Website backup
Your website is an investment and you’ll want to protect it. The day may come when you get hacked, when something goes wrong with an update or your server crashes – without good backups, you lose everything. With all things concerning technology, it’s always a good idea to have a backup. If you have a website maintenance retainer package with us, we will make a monthly backup of your website and store it in case your website need to be restored to a previous working version.
Security monitoring
You spent a lot of money to have a website designed and start using it. Now imagine this: You click on a link on your website that is supposed to send people to your Facebook page, instead it redirects to an asian porn site… Your website was hacked… This is especially easy for hackers to do if your website is not updated regularly and if you do not visit your website dashboard (backend) to check if everything is still working as it should. Not everyone is clued up on how to use the backend of a website, and they shouldn’t have to be. We will do that for you.
Performance maintenance
Your website needs to be as fast as possible. If someone is visiting your website, they don’t want to wait for ages for it to load. We regularly visit all of the websites we created to see if it needs improving.
Content changes and page updates
Want to add some new photos or testimonials on your website? Instead of paying for each page separately, we will add/remove photos, text or any other content on your site. To determine the relevancy of a website, search engine robots periodically “crawl” content. Fresh, quality content tells robots that your site is relevant (and therefore deserves to be seen in search engine results). Updating your content is critical to improving your visibility in Google search results.
Website updates
Just like you regularly update the apps on your phone, there are stuff known as “plugins” which your website uses to perform certain functions. They need to be updated to work properly. The catch is… sometimes certain plugins can clash with others after being updated and can cause errors on your website. We test plugins before updating them to the latest version to try and prevent this from happening.
So, think of us as your Website Manager who helps to organize, update and manage your website. We oversee the functionality of your website, evaluate website performance, and develop, maintain and update website content.
We will send a formal quote according to the package you select in the form below and the quote will also show any custom options for your business (which will be included in the price of the package as selected). Each retainer package is payable up-front for the month ahead and you will have the benefit of having us available during the month to update your site, edit or add changes where needed and any other services included in your selected retainer package.